Daily Blogging Success: How to Set Up a Blogging Schedule That Won’t Overwhelm You

by | May 5, 2023 | Content Marketing

Are you trying to make daily blogging a part of your content marketing strategy but feeling swamped by the challenge? Struggling to juggle blogging with client work and other must-do tasks? I hear ya! you’re not alone!

Loads of entrepreneurs face this struggle, knowing that daily blogging can boost their writing skills, unleash their creativity, and even bring in some extra cash. But finding the time and structure to blog consistently seems like a mission impossible.

Well, guess what? I’m here to help you find a way to make daily blogging work for you! In this article, I’m going to show you how I worked through this exact problem and see how I break down the big, scary challenge into bite-sized, manageable tasks and show you how to create a blogging schedule that fits into your busy life.

You’ll learn why daily blogging is so important, the hurdles you might face, and how to tackle them head-on. Plus, you’ll learn some super handy time-saving tips and tricks to streamline your blogging process, making it a breeze to stay consistent without feeling overwhelmed.

Side Note: even if you aren’t interested in daily blogging, you can apply this process to weekly blogging.

The Importance of Daily Blogging — Some Context for You

Let me tell you a bit about what I’m going through at the moment which I’m documenting as proof that the process works. I’ve taken up this challenge called 66 WRITE, and it’s pretty intense. Here’s what I have to do every single day for 66 days:

  • read 10 pages of a non-fiction book
  • write 3 tweets
  • write 1 article and post it on Medium
  • take a picture of my work and post it on Twitter, tagging #66WRITE

If I skip the daily blogging or anything else, I’m back to square one — Day 0. 

Ouch, right? But, you know what? It’s kind of motivating, too. With the article you’re reading, it’s Day 3 and something inside me just refuses to give up, but it’s getting overwhelming. The only one pushing me to do this is… well, me. I mean, writing every day is great for building skills, unlocking creativity, and in the end it’s a money maker.

But squeezing in the time between client work and all the other stuff I’ve got going on? That’s a real challenge. My quirky, neurodivergent brain is all fired up and creative in the mornings, but I’m torn between using that energy for writing or focusing on client projects.

How The 66 WRITE Challenge Helps Me as a Solopreneur Doing Daily Blogging

  • The first component, reading 10 pages of a non-fiction book, helps to expand your knowledge and understanding of different topics. This, in turn, can inspire ideas for your daily blog post.
  • The second component, writing three tweets, allows you to share your thoughts and ideas with your followers. This helps to build your brand and engage with your audience.
  • The third component, writing one article and posting it on Medium, is the primary focus of the challenge. This is the perfect opportunity to hone your writing abilities. It’s essential to do keyword research on the topic you want to write about, because this can help you rank higher on search engines and increase your visibility.
  • Finally, taking a picture of your work and posting it on Twitter with the #66WRITE hashtag allows you to showcase your progress and hold yourself accountable. It also helps to build a community of writers who are all working towards the same goal.

Now that you’re all caught up, let me share how I came up with a blogging schedule to keep up with daily blogging and, fingers crossed, not fail the 66 WRITE challenge.

Remember, this process and schedule isn’t just for daily blogging — it can also be applied to weekly blogging or any other regular task you’re struggling with. Essentially, it’s all about finding a way to consistently tackle something when you’re not quite sure how to fit it into your busy life.

Time Estimations for Each Task

Before writing this article, I took some time to meditate and reflect on my daily blogging challenge. I realized that I was panicking and worrying too much about finding the right balance between daily blogging and client work during my most productive hours in the morning.

But then, I had a breakthrough moment. I reminded myself that the world won’t come to an end if I can’t do the daily writing challenge every single day.

Client work is my priority. So, I came up with a solution: if client work becomes a problem in the afternoon, I’ll flip the tasks and focus on client work in the morning instead.

And because of my neurodivergent brain isn’t as creative in the afternoon, I’ll choose topics to write about that are shorter, more free flowing and not so intense.

As for looking at the entire 66 WRITE challenge as this humongous, massive thing to do, I broke it down into manageable tasks.

First, I had to complete day 1 to get an idea of how long each task would take me. I’d like to tell you that I didn’t let this scare me, because I knew that each day that I kept going, the daily challenge would get easier and faster.

But I spent 5 hours on the first day and thought “hell no am I doin’ this daily”. But I wrote down how long it took for each task. I repeated this on day 2 and this is the estimated time I allocated to each task:

Reading 10 pages: 60 minutes

  • However, it’s important to note that this can vary depending on the book and your reading speed. Reading in sections can also help you break down the task and make it more manageable.
  • I’m reading “Think and Grow Rich”, which I’m also highlighting as I read, so my goal is 10 pages, but I read in sections so I’m not finishing 10 pages in the middle of an important part. Today I read one section that made up 22 pages, took me 40 minutes, but the day before took me just over an hour.
  • I get up at 5am and start reading at 6am (when ADHD meds kick in), so my reading time doesn’t interfere with work time.

Writing three tweets: 15 minutes

  • Time-saving tip: consider scheduling some tweets ahead of time to save time on this component.
  • BUT…for the 3 tweets per day task, I forgot I had tweets already scheduled. I have a daily industry tweet that is posted in the morning and a blog tweet in the evening…every day, so technically I only have to write 1 more tweet. And if I really want to get picky, I have to take a picture of my work and post that on Twitter anyways, technically that’s three tweets, but I don’t feel right about doing that.

Writing one article and posting it on Medium: 3 hours is what I’m working towards

  • This includes the time it takes to research the topic, do SEO keyword research, write the article, create a graphic in Canva, and post it on Medium.
  • Time-saving tip: learning from experience, consider writing your article in Notion or Docs before transferring to Medium to avoid losing your work 😊

It’s important to note that these are estimated times and may vary from day to day. However, keeping track of your time can help you better manage your daily blogging schedule.

To be transparent, it took me 4 hours to write the article you’re reading. Longer because I had to write out my process first, then re-write it many times so it would make sense to you.

Automation and Time-Saving Techniques

Next was figuring out if there are ways I could use automations to save time. As I’m building my prompt engineering skills, using ChatGPT and other AI tools to do the tedious grunt work has saved so much time and made the daily blogging process more manageable.

  • One such technique is to use ChatGPT to rewrite difficult ideas. I’ll write a section and when I read it out loud, it just doesn’t make sense. My brain knows what to say, but when I type it out…not so much. By throwing this into ChatGPT with a simple prompt: re-write this so it makes more sense and flows better (copy), it gives me something I can use and tweak.
  • Blogging tip: pay close attention to blog post titles. After finishing a blog post, I often ask ChatGPT to read my finished blog post and come up with X number of potential blog post titles that include the keywords I want to rank for on Google. This simple trick can save a lot of time and make the writing process much smoother.
  • Another technique is to use templates for featured images to save time on graphic design. Additionally, scheduling tweets and blocking out time on your calendar can help you manage your time more effectively.
  • If you use an online booking calendar that integrates with Google calendar, there’s a handy trick you can use to help manage your time. By blocking out time on your Google calendar, you can prevent your online booking calendar from making those time slots available for calls or appointments. This can be especially helpful if you’re trying to stick to a daily blogging schedule and need to carve out specific time slots for writing.
  • Another technique is to use pre-designed Canva templates for featured images to save time on graphic design.

Repurposing Content: Medium to Blog Conversion

What I’m absolutely thrilled about is how daily writing has completely transformed my blogging routine! Instead of spending four hours every Friday to write my weekly blog, I’ll be able to create a treasure trove of articles through daily writing.

All I have to do is simply copy and paste them from Notion to my website blog, add a featured image, do a quick on-page SEO check, and schedule them. The best part? This whole process will only take me about 30 minutes, saving me a whopping 3.5 hours each week! How awesome is that? 🥳

Wrapping it Up

Daily blogging can be a valuable and rewarding practice, but it can also be overwhelming without the right approach. By breaking down the challenge into manageable tasks, estimating the time needed, and implementing time-saving strategies, you can create a blogging schedule that works for you.


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