Content Marketing 101: What Is Content Marketing And Why You Should Do It

by | Feb 20, 2022 | Content Marketing

A lot of marketers are still trying to figure out if they should be doing content marketing. The good news is that there’s no doubt that content is a critical part of any successful marketing strategy.  

As the old adage goes, “content is king.” In the world of digital marketing, content is the most effective way to generate leads and drive traffic and with so many businesses doing content marketing today, there’s no better time to learn what it is, why it matters and how to get started.

The Basics of Content Marketing

The world of content is changing. Consumers are demanding more than just the information that they need to buy from brands. They’re expecting brands to solve problems for them. That’s why we see more and more businesses leveraging content marketing to help prospects find solutions, learn about their products or services, and engage with their brand. Content marketing allows you to provide information and educational resources to your target audience in a way that’s meaningful to them, and builds trust by helping you deliver on your promises.

Today, I’m going to teach you all about Content Marketing! I’m going to teach you the benefits of content marketing, and show you how to start creating your own content. 

What is Content Marketing

Content marketing is the use of communication channels such as blogs, videos, eBooks, podcasts and other forms of online content to promote a business, organization or personal brand.  This type of mearketing makes it easier to reach and interact with your target audience. 

The key to successful content marketing is to think about your company in terms of what people need, rather than what you want. Don’t just try to sell something. Instead, show people how to do what they need to do.

For example, if you are in the clothing industry, you might want to focus on the latest trends. On the other hand, if you are an ecommerce store, you might want to focus on fashion tips or outfit pairings.

Content marketing helps to build trust and credibility with potential clients and customers.

How and Why Content Marketing Works

It’s important for you to know that content marketing works for so many different reasons. One of the reasons why it works is that it helps to build a loyal following. If people keep coming back to your site for more and more information, they will become loyal readers. If you build a loyal reader base, you can build a loyal customer base. This is a good thing because you will have loyal customers who are willing to do business with you whenever you need their help.

Content marketing is designed to

  • tell a story
  • create empathy
  • move people emotionally
  • to get them interested

so it’s important for you to create engaging content that is useful for your audience. This is one of the main reasons why content marketing works. It helps you to connect with people.

Content marketing also helps you to create a better relationship with your audience. You have the opportunity to be useful for them.  It helps to get in touch with the people who visit your website. It helps to create an emotional connection between you and them. You can connect with your audience and they will connect with you in return. This will lead to trust between you and them and trust is a very valuable asset for any business.

Who Should Do Content Marketing?

Content marketing isn’t just for big companies anymore. According to HubSpot, 82% of marketers actively use content marketing. But the reality is that small businesses and personal brands are embracing content marketing and say that content marketing is one of the top three ways they build their business.

Content marketing provides an opportunity to develop your business or personal brand. While it is true that content marketing can help increase trust in the eyes of your audience, it can also come across as self-promotional or even promotional if not executed properly.

If you are a small business owner or you are building a personal brand, you should embrace content marketing. You can create an online presence for your business or personal brand through the creation of content. For example, you can make videos, infographics, blogs, or presentations to drive traffic to your website or other social media channels. The more information you provide to your audience, the more likely they are to trust you.

What is a Content Marketing Strategy?

A content marketing strategy is the result of a deliberate process to create content for a particular audience, using a particular medium, at a particular time. Think about your business. What are you good at? What would your customers like to know about you? Then identify the types of content you need to create, where you can create it, and when it should be created. The next step is to figure out how often you want to create content, and for what purpose.

MacBook Pro near white open book for content marketing planning

Content Marketing Examples

Content marketing is a great way to create a relationship with your customers and to keep them updated on your product or service. Here are some examples of how content marketing can be used:

Content Marketing for Startups

Content marketing can help startups build a relationship with their customers and create a sense of community around their product. By writing blog posts, creating videos, and creating social media content, startups can keep their customers up-to-date on the latest news, products, and services.

Content Marketing for Personal Brands

Personal brands can use content marketing to create a relationship with their customers. By writing blog posts, creating videos, and creating social media content, personal brands can provide valuable information, tips, and advice.

Content Marketing for Corporations

Corporations can use content marketing to create a sense of community around their product or service. By writing blog posts, creating videos, and creating social media content, companies can create a dialogue with their customers and generate leads and sales.

Content Marketing for eCommerce Sites

eCommerce sites can use content marketing to attract and engage customers. By writing blog posts, creating videos, and creating social media content, eCommerce sites can provide valuable information and help customers make informed buying decisions.

Content Marketing for Non-profits

Non-profits can use content marketing to help educate and engage their donors. By writing blog posts, creating videos, and creating social media content, non-profits can provide valuable information and help donors make informed decisions.

How to Get Started with Content Marketing?

When it comes to content marketing, many small businesses and personal brands often struggle with how to get started. They want to understand what content marketing is and how it can benefit their business. It’s important to start with a strategy that will serve you well in the long run. Here are some ways to get started on your content marketing journey:

First, you need to identify your target audience by asking:

  • who are they? (it’s more than demographics, it’s “who” they are)
    • single moms living in a rural area
    • 40 something who just lost their job
    • newly retired woman who wants to start the next chapter of her life
    • creative youth as risk
  • what problems do they have before reaching your website? (good start is what would they be searching for in Google?)
  • what questions are they asking while on your website?
  • where do they hang out online?
    • Instagram
    • Pinterest
    • Twitter
    • TikTok
    • Medium
    • Blogs
    • YouTube
    • Spotify
    • Facebook Groups
    • etc.

Next, you need to figure out how to reach your target audience.  You know where they hang out online, so what type of content can you create that’s relevant and useful to your target audience?  This isn’t carved in stone, you can change this up anytime you want.

  • you can write blog posts
  • create short, medium and long form videos
  • create social media content using single or multiple images (carousels)
  • design infographics 
  • podcasts
  • webinars
  • email
  • ebooks
  • lead magnets

 Think back on what content resonated with you and write it down. 

How to Promote Your Content

There are a few things to keep in mind before promoting your content:

Make sure your content is:

  • is high-quality. This means writing well, using clear and concise language that your reader will understand. Avoid industry jargon unless your reader expects that type of language.
  • is relevant to your audience. This means tailoring your content to the interests and needs of your audience.
  • is available in a variety of formats. This means creating content that can be shared on social media, blog posts, and other forms of media.
  • is updated regularly.  Check facts if quoting statistics and use current images that support the content.

The simplest promotion method is writing a blog post, then creating social media content promoting your post on platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Medium.  

Tip:  I’ve written these two articles on repurposing blog content which will save you time: 

In Conclusion

Content marketing is a strategy of producing content to attract, engage, and convert website visitors into customers. It is the most effective way to connect with your audience, build trust, and create demand for your brand. This strategy can help you in almost every stage of the sales funnel: awareness, interest, consideration, decision, and finally, purchase.

The best way to do this is to create content in bite-sized chunks that are easily shareable and searchable. This content should answer questions that potential customers may have—and can be shared on a regular basis—but in a format that is fun and entertaining to read. 

If you’re interested in learning more about content marketing and creating great content for your business but feel like you suck at writing, then this is the article for you.


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